Thursday, June 23, 2011

Job Stress & its effects on Performance.

Stress is the responsive situation to the external environment by any person; this situation can be caused by different psychological and physiological disorders produced in the body due to different factors which affects the body. These factors may be;
Psychological &
• Physiological

Different studies and our research has shown that when we study Organizational behaviors and responses of different employees, then we have come to know that Human resource or employee, which is the key element of any Organization has a great impact on Outcomes and production of that Organization. Similarly an employee is the only resource who mostly suffers from Work Stress. A machine or computer ca be replaced or repair by another one, but once a human resource has disturbed or damaged, then it has no other substitute.

Outcomes for Organization

The organizational effects of employee stress are many. The adverse consequences include: low performance and productivity, high rates of absenteeism and turnover, lost customers because of poor worker attitudes, increased alienation of the worker from the job, and even destructive and aggressive behaviors resulting in strikes and sabotage. The stresses experienced by employees who take on critical roles and are responsible for public safety can sometimes be detrimental to the well being of the constituents served. For instance, the stresses experienced by a pharmacist, nurse, medical doctor, or that of an airline pilot, navigator, or air traffic controller, can result in several hundred lost lives. Needless to say that the costs of employee stress to the organization in terms of lost profits, declining assets, bad image projection, poor reputation, and loss of future business are enormous.

Consequences for the Individual

The impact of distress on individuals has subjective, cognitive, physiological, behavioral, and health facets to it. The subjective or intrapersonal effects of stress are feelings of anxiety, boredom, apathy, nervousness, depression, fatigue, anger, irritability and sometimes aggressive behaviors on the part of individual experiencing the stress. The cognitive effects include poor concentration, short attention span, mental blocks, and inability to make decisions. The physiological effects can be seen in increased heart and pulse rate, high blood pressure, dryness of throat, and excessive sweating. The behavioral consequences are manifest in such things as accident proneness, drinking, excessive eating, smoking, nervous laughter, impulsive behaviors, depressions, and withdrawal behaviors. The manifest health effects could be stomach disorders, asthma, eczema, and other psychosomatic disorders. In addition, the mental health, i.e the ability to function effectively in one’s daily life, will also decline as excessive stress is experienced.

Consequence for the Family

Distress, which is handled by individuals in dysfunctional ways, such as resorting to drinking or withdrawal behaviors, will have an adverse effect on their home life. Spouse abuse, child abuse, alienation from family members, and even divorce could result from dysfunctional coping mechanisms. Stressors in the steadily increasing member of dual-career families, where both spouses pursue careers which demand a lot of personal commitment from them (both to their jobs and to the family), are varied in nature. The stresses experienced by the couple stem from role overload since both partners have to manage their careers as well as help the family run on an even keel. Additional stresses are experienced while handling the personal, social, and cultural dilemmas of balancing work and family, discharging parental responsibilities, handling competition at the workplace and within the family, being an involved member of the extended family etc.


• To overcome Work Stress, try to find out the reason behind stress.
• Don’t overlap your social life stress on your official matters or your
official matters on your social life.
• There must be a good working environment in Organizations.
• Try to develop Employer/Employee friendly relations.
• Treat your employee like an important ‘Resource’ don’t treat them like a
• There must be some counseling of employees, after a certain time period.
• There must be some Medical test of every employee at the every month.
• There must be some extrinsic and intrinsic awards on the performance of
• Try to retain your Key employees by giving them most benefits.
• Adapt different strategies to overcome the stress, like;
• Stress dealing strategies
• Cognitive therapy
• Behavioral Management
• Networking
• Organizational level strategies